Water to be poured over the sauna stones.

Prepare Your Sauna for First Use

The long-awaited moment has arrived, you've installed your new sauna and you're ready to launch into an experience of deep relaxation. But beware! Before you start enjoying the wonderful health benefits your sauna has to offer, it's essential to prepare it properly for its first use. From heating to cleaning, we'll detail the steps needed to optimize your sauna experience.


Step 1: Clean Your Sauna

Before heating your sauna, give it a good clean to remove any dust or debris resulting from the installation process. Use a damp cloth and a mild cleaning solution to wipe down the interior surfaces, including the seats, walls and floor. Leave to dry completely before moving on to the next step.


Step 2: Ventilation

Proper ventilation is essential in a sauna. Make sure that the vent or window is open to allow fresh air in during the heating process.


Step 3: Heat the sauna

Next, it's time to heat up your sauna for the first time. Start your sauna heater according to the manufacturer's instructions, setting the temperature to around 70-80°C for a traditional sauna or 38-54°C for an infrared sauna. If you've opted for the more traditional version and bought a wood-fired sauna, put the wood in the stove and light the fire, making sure the chimney is open to allow proper ventilation. Let the sauna heat up slowly until it reaches the ideal temperature of around 70-90°C.


Step 4: Let it work

Let your sauna run for at least an hour. You can leave the door ajar to allow any residue from the manufacturing process to dissipate.


Step 5: Increase the temperature

After an hour, turn the temperature up to maximum and let it run for a few more hours. This process helps to "season" your sauna by burning off any residues.


Step 6: Cooling down

Turn off the sauna and let it cool down completely.


Step 7: Final cleaning

Once the sauna has cooled down, clean it again. This time, scrub the floor and clean the heater, especially if you notice any residue.


Step 8: Optimal adjustment

Now your sauna is ready for its first use! Adjust the temperature and humidity according to your personal preferences. A good starting point is 70-90°C for a traditional sauna and 38-54°C for an infrared sauna, with a humidity level of between 10-20%. Remember, each person's preference varies, so don't hesitate to experiment until you find the ideal setting for you.

Now that your sauna is ready for use, keeping it in good condition is essential for its longevity. For all our tips, read the article "Tips for Maintaining Your Outdoor Sauna" here on the blog!

Preparing your sauna correctly for its first use will ensure a better and more relaxing sauna experience. With the right steps and a little care, you'll enjoy the many benefits of your sauna for many years to come.

Relax in your new sauna!


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