Sauna room with stove and wooden benches.

The Ancient Roots of the Sauna: A Journey Through Time


For centuries, saunas have been a vital part of Finnish culture, providing a place for relaxation, rejuvenation and socializing. However, the history of saunas goes back much further than that, with roots that can be traced back to ancient civilizations around the world. In this article, we'll take a journey through time to explore the rich history of saunas and how they have evolved over the centuries.

The oldest known saunas date back to around 7000 BC, in what is now modern China. These early saunas were used for medicinal purposes, with steam being used to treat a variety of ailments, from respiratory problems to skin conditions. Similar saunas have also been found in ancient Japan and Korea, where they were used for both health and spiritual purposes.

In ancient Rome, public baths were a vital part of daily life. These baths included hot rooms, cold rooms and steam rooms, and were a place for socializing and relaxation. The Romans also used saunas for medicinal purposes, with steam being used to treat a variety of conditions, from joint pain to respiratory problems.

In Finland, saunas have been part of everyday life for centuries. The oldest known saunas in Finland date back to around 2000 BC and were used for both hygiene and ritual purposes. The traditional Finnish sauna, or "savusauna", was a smoke sauna, in which a fire was lit in a central chamber and the smoke permeated the room, creating a hot, steam-filled environment. These traditional saunas were an integral part of Finnish culture and were used for physical and spiritual purification.

As saunas became more widespread in Finland, they began to evolve, with new designs and materials being used. At the beginning of the 20th century, electric saunas were introduced and soon became the preferred type of sauna in Finland. In the 1960s, the barrel sauna was introduced, which quickly became a popular choice for outdoor saunas.

Today, saunas are popular all over the world and a variety of different shapes and materials are used to build them. From traditional wood-fired saunas to modern electric saunas, saunas continue to provide a place for relaxation, rejuvenation and socializing.

At Saunamo, we are proud to be part of this rich history of sauna use. Our saunas are designed to provide an authentic Finnish sauna experience, while incorporating modern designs and materials. We believe that everyone should have access to the many benefits of using saunas, and we are committed to promoting sauna awareness around the world.


We hope you've enjoyed this journey through the history of saunas. If you're interested in experiencing the benefits of a high-quality outdoor sauna, don't hesitate to contact us at Saunamo. We are here to help you create the ultimate sauna retreat in your backyard and provide you with an authentic and memorable Finnish sauna experience.

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