Shipping and Returns

Shipping Policy and Price

Shipping time and price vary according to the recipient's location and the type of product purchased. This information will be presented to the customer at the time of purchase. Estimated delivery dates are provided at the time of ordering and shipping costs are added to the price of the product. It is the customer's responsibility to ensure that they are available to receive the order at the time of delivery. Additional costs due to absence at the time of delivery will be borne by the customer.

Return Policy

We offer a 14-day return policy for all products. To be eligible for a full refund, the product must be returned in its original packaging and in the same condition in which it was received. Products that have been opened, assembled or installed are not eligible for return. The customer is responsible for all shipping costs associated with returning the product to our warehouse. In some situations, a restocking fee of up to 25% of the value of the product may apply in the event of cancellation after shipment.


All our products are covered by a two-year warranty against defects in workmanship and materials. This warranty includes essential components such as heaters in the case of saunas, but also covers all other products offered by our company. However, the warranty does not cover natural wear and tear caused by exposure to the elements, including but not limited to sun, wind, rain, heat and humidity. Expansion, contraction and deterioration of wood, or other materials exposed to the environment, are considered part of the normal aging process of the product and will not be covered by the warranty.

The customer's responsibility includes ensuring adequate protection of materials against environmental factors such as rot, mold and insect damage. In addition, defects resulting from installation by third parties, not recommended by the supplier, will not be covered by the warranty.

Customer Service

Regardless of the type of product purchased, our customer service team is always available to provide support for any question or problem that may arise. If you have questions about the use, manufacturing defects or any other issues related to the product, we encourage you to contact us to start the service or warranty claim process. Our team is committed to resolving any problem as quickly and efficiently as possible, ensuring customer satisfaction.